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Our response to Covid-19

Against the backdrop of the global Covid-19 outbreak, “Bip Bip Swimwear, Rose&Petal Lingerie” business operations are being continuously adapted to mitigate potential impacts. As a globally operating company, epidemic and pandemic risk scenarios are an integral part of the Company`s continuous risk planning. The Company follows a holistic management process that enables our business units to ensure the best possible operations for our customers even in an emergency.

The safety of our employees and customers is paramount. In order to closely monitor and manage the Coronavirus outbreak, a “Bip Bip Swimwear, Rose&Petal Lingerie” – Coronavirus task force has been established, led by the Company’s CEO. The Company’s task force also coordinates with international organizations (such as the WHO, CDC, ECDC and Robert Koch Institute) and provides the necessary information to all employees and relevant operations.

The Company’s Coronavirus task force

  • Meets daily and updates top management on the evolution of the situation;
  • Ensures our organizations in all countries we operate in follow protocols of official authorities, both international organizations and local country health authority advisories (whichever sets the strictest rule);
  • Discusses and approves measures as the situation unfolds.


Our number one priority is the wellbeing of our employees and customers. We follow all official recommendations, and we are committed to respond to the call for cohesion and solidarity to prevent the spread of the disease.

Our Company Business Continuity Plan offers global guidelines for our operations in all countries. Every day, everywhere, to stop the spread of the disease:

  • We promote a “Safety First” approach with specific recommendations as per below;
  • We encourage flexible work arrangements, adapted to different roles;
  • We banned global business travel We postponed all non-business essential events and trainings.

In addition, each business unit developed and internally communicated additional measures fitting distinctive country needs or division-specific requirements.

We regularly update our employees via internal media, as well as via our local management teams. We publish updated information as it becomes available to reduce exposure to and transmission of the Coronavirus.

As a globally operating company, we ensure our country organizations operate in accordance with the protocols of official authorities, both international organizations and local country health authority advisories, whichever sets the strictest rules.


Health Etiquette Recommendations

Social Distancing

  • Keep at least 1.5m, if possible 2m away from each other;
  • Avoid physical contact (i.e., handshaking, hugging);
  • Consider if face-to-face meetings can be replaced by a teleconference or online event.

Hygienic Etiquette

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap & water (>20s.);
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (tissue or your flexed elbow);
  • Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose or mouth) with unwashed hands;
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, sneezing or coughing;
  • Stay at home when you are sick, and when recommended by authorities;
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects people frequently touch.


The Company’s Coronavirus task force coordinates the implementation of accurate and tailor-made Business Continuity Planning to local conditions, and immediate response and monitoring.

Each of “Bip Bip Swimwear, Rose&Petal Lingerie” Company`s divisions manages its operations to ensure, to the extent possible, an undisrupted service to our customers. All our divisions are mobilizing Business Continuity Plans, including pandemic operating plans, and implementing preventive actions as appropriate.

Operational updates in specific countries will be communicated on a country-by-country basis and by the respective business unit.

In case you need further specific detail about the actual operational status in your country or for a specific “Bip Bip Swimwear, Rose&Petal Lingerie” business unit, please contact your account manager or customer service representative.


What is “Bip Bip Swimwear, Rose&Petal Lingerie” Companies doing to protect employees? Is it safe for workers to still be working?

The safety and well-being of all of our employees is paramount to us and we are introducing several measures at a local level to safeguard our employees against infection. Hand and scanner sanitization is being performed as often as necessary. If local health authorities or local Company`s management have instructed the use of masks and/or gloves, then they will be used as instructed. We are also advising workers who share equipment, computers, vehicles – that are touched by hand also be sanitized.

Can the virus be transmitted via my package/Shipment? Has someone with the virus come into contact with my shipment?

According to the WHO and the Robert Koch Institute, there is no conclusive evidence that an infection with any type of coronavirus is possible through contact with objects or packages, including those arriving from areas where cases have been reported. In addition, we are encouraging our workers to sanitize regularly and after each contact.

The number of infections with Covid-19 is increasing, are there any concrete preventive measures which employees must follow?

Our operating procedures and precautionary measures are based on the recommendations and protocols of official authorities, both international organizations and local country health authority advisories, whichever sets the strictest rules.

Aligned with World Health Organization (WHO) and Robert Koch Institute, we recommend good hygiene habits, correct coughing etiquette and keeping social distance. For regions and operational sites with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 cases, we coordinate our procedures with the relevant health authorities and follow the recommendations of the official health advisories.

Are you still hiring employees and how is the application and onboarding process working in current times?

We are currently increasingly conducting virtual job interviews and have had very positive experiences with them. We are adapting the induction of new colleagues to the current situation depending on their job profile.

Are Company`s services working as usual?

All “Bip Bip Swimwear, Rose&Petal Lingerie” teams are working as usual. But some of business procedures and speed may be altered due to the COVID-19 crisis situation.

Are you closing warehouses and offices?

Our offices and warehouses will remain open and operational to support our customers subject to the instruction of local authorities. We contact customers directly to advise where facilities may need to close to support local authority requirements. Please speak to your usual Manager for details.

For more information, we recommend to visit WHO’s Q&A on coronaviruses (Covid-19), the CDC’s FAQ and the Robert Koch Institute’s Q&A (DE) on the issue.

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